About Thelma

Thelma is a wife, mother, organic gardener and one of the leading experts on the Psychology of Colour. For more than 20 years she has worked with clients and taught hundreds of people how to interpret and speak the language of colour. She loves to share her wisdom and knowledge about colour and prefers to teach people how to fish themselves instead of giving them a fish. In other words, learn to speak and understand the language of colour and you will have a tool for life!

She founded Colour Comfort ltd and created the Colour Comfort Method so others can understand and speak the language of colour themselves. She is the author of six successful books ‘Why are you wearing those Colours’, ‘Dress to Impress’, The Power of Colour in Black & White’, ‘How to Understand Children through the Colour they choose’, ‘Colour First Aid’ and her latest ‘Let Colour be Thy Medicine’. All books are available as Kindle or e-book for environmental reasons.

Thelma has been a committee member of the Aura Soma Society in New Zealand. Presently she is a committee member of the Australia/New Zealand Chapter of the International Light Association and is the President of the International Light Association (www.lightcoloursound.org)

mission & vision

Thelma’s mission and vision

is to make the powerful and effective tool of colour available to people who want to have insight into themselves and others and for those who want to use the psychology of colour to change behaviour, negative thought patterns and create harmony, synergy and balance in their life. Thelma loves to open people’s eyes to their own strengths and talents and reveal which colours can support them to overcome challenges in their life. She enjoys seeing the ripple effect when someone raises their own vibration and effectively raises the vibration of people around them and ultimately the entire planet.

Thelma has made her Colour Comfort method available through her books and the unique Colour Comfort Course.

Thelma is also the part owner of Colournostics; try it out; click here

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